If you go to Russia, Wear a Helmet

September 1, 2010

Be thankful that you live in America.

An article today in the Wall Street Journal print edition talked about the Russian government’s crackdown on opposition protests. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin gave this straight-forward warning to protestors:

“If you go…you’ll be hit on the head with a club.  That’s all there is to it.” -Vladimir Putin

So there you have it.  If you live in Russia, you were warned.  For those who live in the great US of A, America is once again shown through contrast to be a great country and one of the few in the world where you can freely protest against the government without fearing getting hit on the head.

Be thankful, that’s all there is to it.

This is what happens if you protest in Russia.

American Freedom: Protestors avoid getting bopped on Head